

FREE fonts and digital scrapbooking!

I LOVE Fonts and Digital Scrapbooking! I wanted to share a few tried and true websites!

Here are a bunch of my free FAVES! If you see one you like but can't find it, sometimes you can find it just by googling i.e. "free Starshine font"
TO DOWNLOAD (windows):
Click 'download'
'Extract all files'
'My computer'
'Local disk C'
This will put the font into your computer's font file so the font can be used with ALL programs! :)
NOTE: Sometimes fonts will have a missing letter... example: my Beyond Wonderland font is missing the lower case C. So I substitute Ginga font's letter C for that one. :)

TO DOWNLOAD (windows):
Click 'download'
'Extract all files'
'My documents'
'My pictures'
'Whatever file you choose'

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