

Father's Day Bouquet

I found this pic on a florist website.  What a great idea for Father's Day.  I love how they built the vase out of Hershey Bars.  Any guy would love this, right?
To make this, I would glue together the Hershey Bars and glue a bottom to it.  Or, use a vase and glue the Hershey Bars to it.  Then I would fill the middle with Floral Foam.  Line the floral foam with some fun tissue paper.  I like the metallic they used.  Then use skewers to tape to the candy bars and poke into the floral foam.  Arrange however looks best.  Then make a bow and tape it to a skewer and poke in the middle bottom.  Voila!  You have a Father's Day candy bar arrangement.


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