

Snack holder

This snack holder is just like the emergency car kits that Tami posted earlier, it just has snacks instead. Toddlers love this because they can flip through it like a book to find what treat they want.  

  1. Find a cute square pot holder (hot pad) that has a loop at the top.

  2. Lie 5 snack bags inside overlapping in the center. 

  3. Sew a zig-zag line down the middle to hold them in place.

  4. Sew a big button on the opposite side of the loop to hook it closed.

  5. Fill with your toddler's favorite snacks! 

  6. Be ready for kids at church to gather around you to get a treat! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey.. not a bad idea for Grown up's too. We like snacks in a moments notice too. Great for a sm. bag of M&M's, peanuts etc. Better than having them dump up side down in the purse with an open package- Look for the larger rectangle hot pads for more packaging room.
