

baby owls

 My new baby's nursery is owl themed. Here are some pics:
 First, the mobile. I wanted owls and in the colors that would match his room. So, I took an old mobile apart and just used the bones of it. (It was an $8 mobile from Ross).

Then, I sewed these little dudes. They are just fabric, with felt eyes and beaks. I stuffed them with pillow stuffing.

I covered the rest of the mobile with fabric and put it all together. 

 Then I made some more owls just like these, but big, for pillows. I used stuffing to stuff the body, but cellophane to stuff the wings so they are "noisy."

Then I made a blanket to match. I put stuffing under the owl and the polka dots so it will be fun for the baby to touch.

Also, I made this banner to pull all the fabrics together. It was super easy. They are each backed with grey fabric so they aren't so flimsy. They have raw edges. 
I had so much fun getting ready for our little owl.