

scrapbook paper- christmas frame decor

Using scrapbook paper, and a little wrapping paper, I made a 'collage' of the strips of paper. One of the strips has our Christmas traditions written on it. You could also type this. I put the project in an old frame I had lying around that was not a normal size, and voila- a fun holiday decoration. Even though you know your traditions, its fun to read them and make sure you don't forget to do something. Even add things you do during December (not just Christmas Eve/Christmas) such as 'watch Frosty the Snowman, 'decorate the tree.'
Just for fun I will share my top 3 traditions:
-Wearing elf hats to bed with new jammies (carried on from my parents)
-Sleighriding on Christmas Eve
-Making gingerbread houses together as a family