

Christmas TRAIN advent calendar

My little boy LOVES trains. Because of this, I decided to make him a Christmas advent calendar with train cars. Each one is a pocket for a little surprise, and each day he can move the little sock monkey to that date. I free handed the train cars out of felt (easy little shapes), but used a sizzix to cut out all the circles for wheels. I added ribbon and polka dots and wrote the numbers with puffy paint. There is also a lion and elephant he can switch out with. These vintage little stuffed animals are ornaments at Kohls. They fit perfectly in the little train cars.



  1. so cute Kelli!
    so i don't know if you heard, but i am having a BOY!! so excited :)
    i'm trying to decide how to do the nursery...any fun ideas??

  2. That is adorable. I need to borrow your little mind for awhile and get some cute ideas.
